Thursday, November 13, 2014

Mama Tribe

I am 23 years old and I have 3 children. The last 4 years of my life have been the greatest experience I could ever hope for. There have been utterly awesome moments as well as some not-so-good times. I absolutely love and adore my children. There is no doubt that I would give everything for me. I love being a Stay At Home Mom so that I can be there to see it all. But this life is isolating. It doesn't have to be, but it is. 

A long time ago there were women that banded together to raise their children. They knew each other inside and out, backwards and forwards. They cared about one another and they loved each other's children as their own. They laughed together as they harvested food in the fields they cried together as they washed the laundry. They were doing life together. They belonged to each other. 

But now as I sit in my living room watching my children play I am yearning to belong. I was apart of several online mama communities. And with most of these groups I was disappointed. There are women in these groups just tearing each other down. They use their words to hurt someone and it's just so, so sad. I will never understand why things have gotten to this point. 

I wish things were different. I wish I didn't only have "online friends." I'm sure most other Mom's would agree. Let's all stop hating on each other and band together to nurture our growing families. 

I need a Mama Tribe. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Why I Will Always Bathe My Son

"Are you sure I can't help you?"

"No, we're fine," I always say. 

It started out as something simple. My night nurse hurt her back so she couldn't lift Noah out of the tub. I stepped in and did what needed to be done, kind of begrudgingly at first if I'm being totally honest. But as time went on and I continued my daily routine of giving Noah his bath it turned into something that I can't stop doing. 

Sometimes bath time is the only good part of Noah's day. The only time that he smiles because he loves being in the water. I love that I get to spend that moment with him, even if it's just 5 minutes. 

I know I have nurses that can just as easily bathe him. It is in their job description and part of their duties. When I have a new nurse they always ask if I would rather have them do it. They always want to help. But they are helping me in a way that they don't even know. They are helping me love my little boy. They are giving me 5 minutes of "normal" with him while I wash his hair and watch him giggle as his big brother splashes next to him. 

It is an intimate moment with my son. A time where I can show him my love by washing him clean and taking care of him. 

I love bath time. And I will bathe my sweet baby boy for the rest of our days together <3