Friday, August 16, 2013

Photo Friday: Adventures of Noah and Oliver

We went on an adventure today! And boy, it wore me out!

I decided to take the kids to the mall.... by myself. That's right, two kids, an extremely heavy wheel chair, and a huge backpack full of equipment. Noah doesn't get to go out a lot. Too much stimulation coupled with too many supplies = stressful. But since I didn't have a nurse today and Oliver definitely cannot stay inside all day, I knew I had to put on a brave face and go somewhere. It actually turned out a lot better than I thought it would be and I only had to pull over once while driving there to suction Noah. I'd say it was a pretty successful trip.

Nathan got this candid picture of me with the backpack on getting ready to head out with both boys.

Our first stop was the Disney Store.

He looks a little overwhelmed but he didn't cry.... He's so brave!

Then we walked down to the little indoor playground to let Oliver get some energy out. By this point Noah had, had enough of his wheel chair so he took a cat nap on the seat.

I put Noah on the slide a few times and his face was priceless! I couldn't exactly take a picture though since I was holding 30lbs of chunky baby. But just take my word for it, it was so cute! Then we went and ate lunch and had ice cream at the food court. Noah slept through the entire meal. We sat beside an older couple and their grand daughter. They kept looking over at Noah and smiling and saying how sweet he is. I think it was a good learning opportunity for the little girl who look to be about 7 or 8. When we got up to leave they all said bye to us and the little girl said, "Bye bye, cute baby!" It was nice. Then Oliver decided we needed another round of Disney before heading home.

I love this picture of Noah!

Captured their personalities perfectly.

Oliver made Noah stop fussing when he put this toy in his face.


  1. Your boys are adorable! The third picture in round 2 of the Disney store - SO cute!
    And you deserve some recognition for braving the mall with two boys by yourself - I don't like to face the mall when it's just me!

  2. Great photos. loved the last one the most!
    And besides - wow! The mall alone with two kids is an achievement!!! I have to say, mine are older and I hesitate every time (who am I kidding, I avoid)

    *Got here through Love that Max
