Just like the post I wrote yesterday, I am bawling as I type. I am such a Daddy's girl. I can't even come up with the words to tell him how much I love him and how I feel so loved
by him.
Every time I go over to my parent's house he usually walks me out to my car as I leave. Every time, he gives me a hug. Every time, in that moment, I wish I were little again. I wish I wasn't out facing this big, scary world. I wish I could still have him making my dinner and bringing it to me on a plate as I sit on the couch watching tv. I wish I didn't have to grow up so fast.
I got pregnant with Oliver when I was 18. I was terrified. Nathan and I had only been dating for a few months when we found out I was expecting.
We were terrified.

I felt like getting sick every time I thought of the moment when I would have to break the news to my Dad. My Mom and I decided to wait a few days so we could find a time when we were all at home and could have some time to talk about it and process everything. I was so scared. What if he gets mad? What if he yelled?
Or worse, what if he was disappointed?

I had dreamed up so many scenarios of what that moment would be like. And then my Daddy totally surprised me. After I told him, with tears streaming down my face, he looked at me and simply said, "Okay, so you're going to be a Mom." There was no yelling, no anger. He might have been a little disappointed that my life suddenly just got 10 times harder. But even if he was disappointed, he never said that to me. Then he told me to invite Nathan over for dinner... Amazing, right?

Things might have gone differently if he wasn't the Man of Faith that he is now. He loves completely and totally, just the way his Creator does. I am so thankful that I have such a loving Daddy. There are many children who cannot say the same.
Happy Father's Day, Daddy.
I love you.
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