Friday, March 22, 2013

We are getting equipment!!!

Today, Noah had 3 out of his 4 therapists along with a guy from the equipment company, come fit him for a bunch of new equipment. We will be getting a wheelchair, customized with a blue frame, red and black chair, and "Noah Jack" embroidered on the back. He will also be getting a bath chair since he has pretty much outgrown the infant bathtub we are using and he will also get a chair that he can sit comfortably in while his body and head are being well-supported. The equipment guy also let us borrow a stander until we can get ours. Here are a few pictures of Noah in the stander...

This is his first time and he hated it. There were too many people touching and talking to him and I think he was a bit over-stimulated.

They got him all the way up and he still wasn't happy.

They laid him back down and he decided to go to sleep. Sleeping is his defense mechanism because he thinks people will leave him alone if he's sleeping.

Then we slowly lifted him back up and he tolerated it a lot better than the first time and he played with his toy.

I went and bought him some better fitting shoes and we tried again.

He cried for about 3 minutes this time and then he realized that it's not really that bad.

We moved him to where he could see the t.v. and he was totally cool with that.

Noah stayed in the stander for about 25 minutes just hanging out and then it was lunch time.

We are supposed to put him in it 3-4 times a day to get him used to it. The gravity will help stimulate his growth plates so hopefully he will shoot up a few inches taller pretty soon!

We are very grateful and blessed to be getting all of this equipment for Noah. This will improve his quality of life and give him the opportunity to explore his world in a more age-appropriate way. The insurance process for approving this type of equipment can be quite long so we are just praying that everything goes as smooth as possible so we can be on our way with our little man!

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