Wednesday, July 10, 2013

And Now We Are Here

And now we are here.... Here at Noah's last day of being zero years old. Here at the turning point to start another year with Noah. Here at what, to me, feels like the end of a very long journey. I know this is not "the end" really. And so I will explain....

Noah's first few days of life were such a mystery. No one knew why a hefty 36 week baby couldn't breathe on his own. There were many theories and many treatments to no avail. He had a few surgeries, a few more tests. We were told He will adjust when, at 3 (and 4 and 5) months old, he was still not hitting milestones. Any milestones, really. We were doing therapy 4 times a week with very little progress. At first they would spend their whole session just to get him to stop crying. We were going to countless doctors visits. At each one we would unveil one more piece to the puzzle that is Noah. It was stressful. I hated those appointments. I didn't want to be told something else was "wrong" with him. But I knew I had to go. We had to find an answer.

And now we are here. With a diagnosis. With treatment options for his symptoms. With doctors willing to listen and try new things. With therapists that can understand him better and are learning how to help him. I know this road is still very long and there will be many more frustrations and questions along the way. But I am confident that now that we know what Noah's "Monster" is, we can do battle. And we will fight. We will research. We will be proactive. We will win in the end.

And now we are here... Here is a good place to be.

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