Friday, April 19, 2013

It's Always A Fight

Oliver has always been a wonderful sleeper, even as an infant. We have a nightly routine of taking a bath, brushing teething, saying good night to everyone, getting into bed, singing some songs or telling a few stories, then I close the door and don't hear a peep until around 8am. He has always slept in a pitch dark room with only his sound machine on. Easy kid, right? Not anymore...

Oh. My. Gosh. You would think he was being tortured the way he screams and yells at night when we try to put him to bed. He says he is scared so we bought him a nightlight and we also turn on the little projector that is part of his sound machine. His room is anything but dark. In the last month he has also learned how to open the bed room doors even with a "child proof" handle cover on it. This has been so frustrating. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if he had always been this way. You kind of expect that an infant or baby won't sleep through the night or will be difficult to put to sleep but since Oliver has always been so easy it's just like why now?! Ugh, I guess it is just his age. Testing limits and learning what is appropriate. I get that in theory but I don't like actually doing it. 

Anyway, this is just my rant for today. Feeling a little on edge due to my not-so-nice conversation with the insurance company earlier. That deserves its own post though so more on that later.

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