Thursday, August 1, 2013

New Wheels

Noah got a new set of wheels today... His first wheel chair!!!

This thing is awesome. It has a royal blue frame with a red and black seating system that has "Noah Jack" embroidered on the back. And it looks so tiny! It's truly adorable.

And the best part is, is that Noah absolutely loves it. He actually fell asleep in it today which I take as a very good sign that he is comfortable in it.

It has a tray that we can slide on the front so he can have toys or just use it to rest his arms on. It also has an IV pole on the back so we can hang his feeding bag [or my purse] from. It has a tilt function so we can tilt him backwards if he starts to get tired or if we need to change his position so he doesn't get sore on his cutie booty.

The seating system can also come off so the frame can fold for storage and transportation. Not really sure how all of that is going to work yet because it seems like kind of a hassle to break down the wheel chair and then set it back up every time. Hopefully it will fit on our car without needing to fold it down.

If you are feeling generous here is the link to our fundraising page where you can donate money to help us purchase a wheel chair accessible van.

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